
Localization Services to Globalize Your Brand

Localization services that expand your business across the globe. When launching your product in a new market, you want your audience to feel like this product was made for them. With our professional localization services you’ll achieve just that! You will far surpass simple website translation. You will take your business global!

Localization refers to the process of taking a product – typically a website or digital platform – and adapting it completely to a new region for the consumption of its local community. A localized end product should appear as if it was originally created in the target culture, for the target culture.

Localization captures cultural nuances. It takes into consideration regional humor, ironies, and customs, along with legal and linguistic demands. Localization services for websites, apps, video games, and other digital platforms should be provided by a professional localization company. To accurately adapt to the legal, cultural, and formatting needs of a new region, the localization professionals in charge must be properly trained and certified.

Our network of localization specialists is distributed around the world, so we pair you with an expert native to the culture you are targeting. Plus, we always deliver localized products that your new audience not only understands, but appreciates.

What’s The Difference Between Localization & Translation?

The terms ‘Translation’ and ‘Localization’ are often mistakenly interchanged and misused when referring to the translation of content. However, even though they share the same purpose, at its core their meaning and approach towards their achievement are different.

What is Translation?

Translation can be defined as the literal word-for-word transformation of a source text into the target language so that the meaning is equivalent.

What is Localization?

Localization can be defined as the linguistic adaptation of content for the target region, its languages and cultural particularities in order to make it appropriate, easily understandable and comfortable to use for local native language speakers.

Localization Helps You Meet Cultural Expectations

To globalize your business, you need to localize for each country in line with local culture. At the same time, you must keep a unique voice to help the public identify your brand everywhere in the world.

Coca-Cola maintains a singular message worldwide, while adapting their campaigns to local markets. Everybody knows the company’s colors, whether they live in Barcelona or Beijing. But their marketing strategy varies from country to country, to meet the public’s expectations.

In China, for example, the company had to change the product’s name to be able to maintain the brand’s voice. Coca-Cola became ‘kekou kele’, which translates to delicious happiness. This way, the drink everybody loves managed to conquer the market.

It wasn’t just about translating the content and changing labels. The brand approached local experts and, together with a team of specialists, they came up with a new name and a local marketing strategy. They sold the brand’s image, while respecting the local culture, which is vastly different from the Western world.

Localization involves a cultural approach. You don’t simply translate your website or app, but reshape it so that the local public feels as if you’ve built the content especially for them.

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