What You Need To Know About Benefits Of Remote Interpreting

What You Need To Know About Benefits Of Remote Interpreting

Benefits of remote interpreting have become more relevant than ever this year. Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in the United States in mid-February, businesses, the government, and the entire medical system face challenges like never before. Although Covid-19 dominates many of the headlines, chronic medical conditions need care and court cases need adjudicating. Likewise, government agencies need to ensure essential utilities like water and electricity continue to flow. That is why now, in the midst of a pandemic, OnDemand© Over the Phone Interpreting (OPI) and Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) are more important than ever. Although in-person translation services are very helpful, in a time of social distancing and face masks, OPI and VRI provide a safer and more efficient alternative for the medical, legal, government, and business communities.

Safety Comes First With Remote Interpreting

With OPI and VRI services, the safety benefits of remote interpreting are clear. All interpreting work can be done in a manner that follows the safety protocols put out by the CDC and all other city, state and local governments. Since the interpreting is done over the phone, all parties involved are protected from human contact, thus completely avoiding the risk of contracting covid-19.

Our need for language services has not ceased, even though our country continues to address challenges connected to the pandemic:

  • Non-English-speaking workers still may become injured on the job.
  • Patients still come into the emergency room who cannot communicate in English.
  • Witnesses who do not speak English still need to be deposed.
  • Governments still need to communicate with the non-English speaking public, especially about Covid-19 safety regulations.

The United States comprises a diverse tapestry of people from many different ethnicities who speak hundreds of different languages. Some individuals and families have been in this country for generations, and some people are recent arrivals. Nevertheless, lack of language proficiency does not preclude American residents from taking advantage of the governmental, legal, medical, and business services that they require.

Remote Interpreting Can Benefit Your Business

Our OnDemand© OPI system uses a professional, easy to navigate interface that is accessible by mobile app or web portal for your convenience. Our VRI system is equally user-friendly, and simply requires clicking VRI instead of OPI on the client interface to access it. If you would prefer to use a landline, then that service is available as well.

All of our OPI and VRI interpreters:

  • Have up to date software and hardware specifications on their computers.
  • Meet high speed internet bandwidth requirements.
  • Have clear and intelligible audio capabilities.
  • Have access to technical support from Wordx.
  • Are evaluated by you! When the interpretation is complete, you have the ability to rate the quality of the call and the interpretation. We want to hear from you!

Why Choose Wordx For OPI and VRI Interpreting

At A Foreign Language Service – Wordx, we have the linguistic expertise to interpret the spoken languages from around the world by phone, and the technical capacity to make it happen. You and your organization can have your language translation needs met entirely through virtual language services. Whether you are a doctor, lawyer, or CEO seeking to care for your patients, clients, or customers, we can help!

The benefits of remote interpreting have become clear during this unique season. As part of a diverse, multilingual nation, every one of us face communication challenges on the job, whether in hospitals, court rooms, or businesses across America. For example:

  • Doctors are unable to understand patients’ descriptions of symptoms, and they may not be able to make correct diagnoses.
  • Individuals witness a crime and are willing to testify to put the guilty person behind bars. But they need to be understood when they testify before judge and jury.
  • Workers fall on the job, but if they are unable to communicate how it happened, the workplace remains unsafe for workers.

In every one of these interpreting situations, we can help you to navigate your language needs. We provide remote interpreting services in the languages spoken by your patients, clients, and customers. This includes major languages such as French and Spanish, Chinese and Russian. As language service provider, we are committed to high quality interpreting and translation. As a result, we uphold the highest standards of excellence that have allowed us to become a leader in our industry.

How OPI and VRI Interpreting Services Can Help You Grow

So whatever your language translation needs, we can help! A good translation is like a bridge that takes you from where you are to where you want to be. Our easily navigable user interface and highly qualified translators are that bridge. We have the knowledge and experience to help doctors understand patients who speak languages other than English. This will enable medical professionals to make the correct diagnosis in a time when accuracy is critical. Likewise, we provide interpreting for the legal community so that a person’s testimony can bring about justice. Similarly, we support the business community in understanding each other so workplace environments can be safer for everyone.

Why Use Remote Interpreting Services Right Now

The pandemic and its effects have been tragic. All of us have felt the impact of COVID-19 in our communities, including the loss of loved ones and of livelihoods. Our hearts grieve for those impacted by the coronavirus personally and tangentially. In light of these challenges, we are committed to helping the medical community, legal community, governments and businesses navigate this season. The benefits of remote interpreting have become even clearer this year. Out of the chaos, with every translation we build bridges from confusion to understanding. And with understanding comes healing, fairness, and growth in business. We are dedicated to helping America navigate these challenges with clear understanding.

Interpreting And Translation Services You Need

As a trusted leading language service provider, A Foreign Language Service – Wordx provides OPI/ VRI interpreting and on-site interpreting, certified document translation, and localization services to clients around the world. We offer services in up to 100 languages, including high demand ones such as Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, and American Sign Language (ASL). Depending on your needs, we can also provide support in endangered and emerging languages like Basque, Irish Gaelic, and Quechua. In this vital work, we collaborate with a network of 1500-strong passionate, licensed professional translators and interpreters based throughout the world. Our clients include global brands and government agencies, as well as the medical, legal, business, and education communities. At Wordx, we understand the power and importance of language. We know that every language matters. Your language matters. Contact us today for a free quote!

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